Where does hot stone massage come from?

Think of the last time you were goingthrough anxiety and stress. What did your muscles feel like? What was goingthrough your mind? And how long did it take before you were able to relax? Putyourself in that same scenario, and instead of hoping for matters to calm downeventually, how about hitting up a day spa in London for a hot stone massage.Which one would you honestly prefer?  

Hot stone massage is a technique wheresmooth stones are heated and then placed on various areas of the body duringthe treatment. It is a popular spa treatment because of how enjoyable it makesa massage session. A professional hot stone massage is also a very popularaccompaniment to a Thai massage in London.


The use of hot stone massages dates backseveral years.  Its earliest use toimprove health and relaxation was recorded in India almost 5000 years ago. Atthis time, the practice was only known to Hindus in India and they referred toit as Ayurveda. In their practice, the hot stones were placed on differentparts of the body to relieve the pain. It quickly spread in this region becauseof how outstanding the results were.


Around 300 years later, the Chinese alsodiscovered that hot stones were a good remedy to relieve pain, especially inthe gastrointestinal tract. Unlike the Indians, the Chinese heat the stones andplaced them on the stomach to help in relieving indigestion and other painsrelated to digestive disorders. Before heating, the stones were formed intoparticular shapes that they referred to as Bien.


As people discovered more and better waysto relieve pain, the natives of the Sandwich Islands, presently known asHawaii, also made a great discovery in pain relief. They heated lava rocks andwrapped them in leaves which were believed to have medicinal properties, andapplied them on the affected areas of the body.


Later, the heated stone massage found itsway into the Native American sweat lodge. The Native Americans also had aunique way of putting hot stones to good use. Here, the stones were notdirectly applied to the body. The heat produced from the stones were used torelieve tense muscles and to help relieve the body from stress. The heatedstones were also believed to help in improving blood circulation to muscles andother parts of the body, helping you achieve relaxation and relieve stress.


Today different people from differentplaces around the globe use hot stones as part of massage therapy. Thetechniques also vary to suit various preferences, purposes and needs. There arealso different ways in which the stones are heated, but most people preferheating them in hot water. Some therapists also use the stones to massage whilecoated in oil. Thai Square Spa offers the best spa deals in London where experienced and professional therapists will ensure that all your needs are metwith a unique Thai hot stone massage.